Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Sitchin and the Bible — What Do They Have in Common?

Robert Mazak
5 min readOct 12, 2020

This article is about the story of a King named Gilgamesh, his newfound friendship with Enkidu, and his journey to find the secret to restoring the life that his friend lost. The account of Gilgamesh it littered with great symbolism and simile which lends alignment with great writings such as the Bible and Zecharia Sitchin.

Analysis of Gilgamesh’s account can certainly take numerous different avenues of approach. Gilgamesh brings to life simile, or similarities, of other great literary works such as our great Christian Bible and the works of Zecharia Sitchin. This story is also packed with symbolism and metaphors that can be related to many life lessons. I want to delve into the translations by Zecharia Sitchin, which outlined the creation and manipulation of a primitive humans, by the Ancient Aliens named the Annunaki. Additionally, I want to discuss similarities to Biblical events as the story of Gilgamesh portrays.

The author states that the story of Gilgamesh was translated from very old stone tablets found near Ninevah. Writing on the tablets was in a cuneiform style and required special skill and experience to form a proper translation. I am certain that there are many who have applied their own translation to these tablets, however, the most famous of them seem to be Zecharia Sitchin. The…



Robert Mazak

I provide energy healing methods designed to achieve clarity and balance for your mind, body and soul.