Member-only story
What Do We Really Believe?
There has been some very challenging information and experiences recently, that have been creating great doubt about what I have been taught about this reality. It seems that the flat earth — round earth debate has heated up very intensely. I am beginning to believe that this dilemma is designed to keep all of us divided and in great doubt of any belief, which clearly leaves us in a state of not knowing or truly believing anything. But I imagine that if my job or mission was to create disinformation amongst the population, I would conduct that same type of programming and mischief. I made the mistake of engaging in some of these conversations on social media and have found just how embedded belief systems are in people’s minds. Before realizing that I was only getting nowhere with my comments, I closed up my comments with a statement that says: none of us common people will ever be provided the tools to absolutely validate or disprove our beliefs about this reality we live in. I then decided that I did not want to continue contributing to the disinformation program that has been running amuck.
One thing that I have clearly learned in my own personal journey, was that perceptions unchecked, soon become your reality. I see just how true this perception problem is during the intense conversations with my clients — the sad part about our embedded beliefs, which are formed from our past, is that our…