Member-only story
What Is The Truth?
We are alive in a very interesting time, and it is becoming more and more difficult to discern what the truth is. We have an unprecedented amount of information in an instant, which is good, but it can be wrought with untruths and misleading meanings. We all form our beliefs of the perceptions that we form and accept as our truth but what I find is that people seem to think that their truth is THE TRUTH. Just because everyone believes in a lie or something that is simply not true, does not make it the truth. Every day I see battles and arguments about what the truth of a presented topic is, however, I only see it as meaningless time spent trying to prove something that most of us have no basis for. I do like an intelligent conversation about options, or presentations about a possible meaning of something presented by someone; however, it seems that most of the conversation streams simply go in circles without any real resolution.
My challenge is this: how can you positively prove anything that you believe to be true? Most of what we believe to be true is only based on things we hear others say, write about or post a video on. My question is how much research have you done to concretely back up what you think is true? I doubt that many people spend the time to dig into the enormous pile of information we now have access to, to ensure that we are not forming our beliefs on emotions. I am an admitted alternative…